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Powys Safety Solutions Consultancy
Whether you need help with formulating a health & safety policy, risk assessing or fire risk assessing your business, creating a health & safety management system or writing a staff hand book, Powys Safety Solutions can help. Whether you deal in office cleaning or farming, operate a transport fleet or offer accommodation, Powys Safety Solutions can help you to operate safely and more profitably.
There are three key ingredients for leading Health & Safety Management:
- Worker engagement
- Management commitment and leadership
- Health & Safety competence
By employing someone to help with your Health & Safety arrangements you are demonstrating commitment, and improving Health & Safety competence. By empowering a workforce to have a say in their Health & Safety arrangements we can develop loyalty, attract and retain talented workers, improve customer relations and increase productivity.

Designing safety check procedures

Machinery Safety

Fire Door Inspection
It's a win win situation!
Examples of regulations that may affect your business operations:
- Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
- Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2006
- Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
- Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
- Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2012
- Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002
- Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
- Noise at Work Regulations 1989
- Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
- Work at Height Regulations 2005
- Corporate Manslaughter and corporate Homicide act 2007
...and these are just a few of the common regulations!
Helping you to operate safely and more profitably
The maximum penalties for non compliance with these - and other - regulations is a fine of up to £20,000 and/or 6 months' imprisonment if a case reaches Magistrates court, and an unlimited fine and / or up to 2 years' imprisonment if taken to Crown Court.
And don't forget, there doesn't need to have been an accident for a company to be taken to Court. Fines are imposed if cases of bad practice which could lead to an injury are uncovered!
Just one example...
Just one example of how bad practices can cost your business dearly:
A worker was using an unguarded drilling machine in a small engineering company employing 15 workers. The sleeve of his jumper caught on the rotating drill entangling his arm. Both bones in his lower arm were broken and he suffered extensive tissue and muscle injury. He spent 12 days in hospital undergoing major surgery and was off work for three months. On his return he was placed on administrative duties for five months and he was unable to operate machinery for eight months.
The managing director was prosecuted following the incident. The costs to the company were:
- Wages for injured worker over period = £10 000
- Loss of production/remedial work required = £8000
- Overtime wages to cover lost production = £3000
- Wages for replacement worker = £7000
- Loss of time of manager / MD = £4000
- Legal expenses = £3000
- Fines and court costs = £4000
- Increase in Employers' Liability premiums = £6000
- Total cost to business = £45000
Two employees not involved in the accident were also made redundant to prevent the company from going out of business.
(Sourced from Health & Safety Commission Leaflet)

Production of traditional building materials. We have created risk assessments and method statements.